Sometimes women at a
club or mixer will ask if I have kids.
I’ll say, “No, I don't work for KAOS, but I have several nieces and nephews locally with whom I
enjoy spending time. The conversation
drifts to other topics and then returns inexorably to children. “Well,” I reiterate, “I have lots of nieces
and nephews.” “Oh, we’ve heard
that story!” Like I’m a piece
of shit if I don’t have kids. Having a
baby doesn’t make you a hero; it makes you a parent.
gal sure shows her devotion
a guy has been taken ill,
soup, organic juice and potion,
brings him a big basket filled.
help him get a good night’s slumber,
tea and bread on the shelf,
But, alas, she forgets his number,
his seeds are kept to himself.
The one thing that pro-children and anti-children people have in common is that each group believes the other is selfish. The pro-children people because they're wanting to add to the already overpopulated planet, and anti-children for living their lives. I'm more on the anti-children side, but not completely. It would be selfish for me to have a child because I'm not equipped to give it a good life. If I do have kids, it won't be until at least my late twenties. I'm more of an animal person.